

It's the end of another month. April 30th. How are you? Honestly...

Today is National Honesty Day. I'm going to celebrate by being honest with you.

This month at home has been a time of personal and professional development and growth. I've reassessed my goals and priorities. I went back to my "why". Why did I decide to become a professional home organizer? Remembering my "why" has been refreshing and re-energizing.

When I was trying to decide if starting my own home organizing business was a good idea, I was pretty overcome with doubt and anxiety. Leaving a job that had a steady paycheck and stability was hard for this girl who likes to feel in control. I knew that this big change was going to require a leap of faith.

I distinctly remember sitting in a chair by the window one morning, and I looked out and saw a momma bird feeding her three little babies in a nest. And, I thought to myself, "Malinda, you are going to have to leave the nest of familiarity and comfort in order to grow and thrive." That is where the name Nest Home Organizing originated. The word "nest" not only describes a home, but my need to take a leap of faith and trust my wings to hold me up in my new endeavor. I felt a strong calling to do this. But, the doubts and anxiety were louder than my courage.

I was still struggling with this when I received a gift from my parents. (See picture above). I had been wanting a sign that this was the right path to take. The fact that the tray has a nest on it, and the word "Nest" was ironic, I thought. And, maybe it was a sign? However, it wasn't until I turned the tray over and saw what it said, that I knew. I knew I had to do it.

"Honestly". It was confirmation to me. See, my friends will tell you that I say "honestly" a lot. Every time I get frustrated or I'm in disbelief. So when I saw this, it was as if God was saying, "Honestly, Malinda, get on with it. Just jump out of that nest. I'll catch you if you fall. But, how will you ever know if you can fly if you stay in that nest?" I also heard God loving say, "Honestly, Malinda, you need to do this. It will all be okay. Just take that leap." And so I did.

There have been times over the past 4 years where I have doubted myself and my choice to do this, but they never last long. I go back to my tray and hold it and read the front and the back and know that this is what I am made to do. I don't do it just to make money. I do it because I am called to do it. 

Here's to being honest. 



Free of Clutter

