“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
My Process
I begin by listening — to your needs, your desires, your frustrations. I want to hear what parts of your current organizational system work and what parts don’t.
Then we will begin by sorting through all of your “stuff.” I’ll help you determine what an item means to you. Do you keep it, give it away or sell it? I’ll guide you through the decision-making process.
Next I will help you determine where your stuff should reside. Where is its “home?”
We will create an organizational system together that works best for you and sets you up for success, not failure.
Even after the project is done, I will check in with you several times over the following months to see how things are going and to make any adjustments to the system.
My goal is to encourage, educate and equip you to live a more simplified, less-cluttered life.