A closet full of clothes but nothing to wear?

The changing of seasons most often comes with the changing of wardrobe. Many are switching out their warm weather clothing for those more suitable for cooler temps.  It’s a great time to clean out and organize your closet. 

Did you know that most people wear 20% of their clothing 80% of the time?

This initially surprises clients when I tell them this statistic. But, most often, it proves to be true (even for me). 

What does your closet look like right now? Is it crammed full of clothes you don’t wear? Like with most things, we are often tempted to hold onto clothes “just in case”. “Just in case I get around fixing the hem on that skirt.” “Just in case I ever get back to that size.” “Just in case it will ever come back in style.”

As you look at each article of clothing in your closet, ask yourself the following questions to help you decide whether to keep it or get rid of it: 

  • Has this been worn in the past year? If not, why not?

  • Does this fit me right now? If not, is it within a size (up or down) from my current size?

  • Does it flatter my figure? (Cut, color, style)

  • Do I feel good when I wear it?

  • Do I have more than one of these?

  • If I got rid of this, could it easily be replaced with something similar?

Do you need help organizing your closet? As a professional organizer, my goal is to help you come up with a system that will maximize your space, time, and wardrobe and allow for easy maintenance. 


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September is Self-Improvement Month