Why didn’t I do this sooner?


Why didn’t I do this sooner?

I hear that quite often as I work with clients. As they see the progress they make in decluttering their homes, they often wonder why it took them so long to start. 

The hesitancy to start can be for many reasons – from embarrassment to shame to simply being overwhelmed and not knowing who to ask for help (or even knowing there is help available – do an internet search for “home organization company near me” and you’ll quickly see there is a lot of help available.)

People ask why I do what I do. Organizing is not just a job for me – It’s a calling. I truly believe that everyone’s home should be a place of rest, comfort, rejuvenation, and peace. This world is chaotic. Your home, your sanctuary, should not be. 

There is a saying that goes, “Where your attention goes, energy flows.” This is often used in yoga and meditation, but it also applies to your home. When you walk in the door of your house, what do you first see?

Does you gaze gently rest on a piece of art you love? Does it see a soft chair with a cozy blanket? What feelings are brought up? Peace? Calm? Rest?

Or does your first glance as you walk in the door show you a giant stack of mail that hasn’t been opened, or a pile of dirty laundry that hasn’t made it to the washing machine. Can you see the surface of your coffee table? What feelings come up now? Anxiety? Overwhelming fear? Chaos? Helplessness? Defeat? Fatigue? 

Here is a quote from a blog post by Inspired Everyday Living that sums it up well: 

“If there is too much stuff in the room the energy is scattered and you will be overwhelmed. Your eye, and your mind, cannot rest. In this case there are too many things grabbing your attention you can’t focus on anything. Edit or at the very least group similar objects together in baskets or on shelves to cut down on the visual clutter.” 

The way our homes look and how we move within them have an impact on the way we feel and how we live. Too much stuff can make one feel trapped. Suffocated. Buried alive. 

Maybe you don’t have too much stuff (and “too much” is subjective by the way), but the stuff you do have is all over the place with no rhyme or reason as to how it is stored. Feelings of chaos and loss of control come up when you can’t find what you need when you need it. 

Professional organizers are here to help you. To help you decide what you want to keep and where you will keep it. We can help you remove the clutter and create systems that work. We can help you get control of your stuff instead of your stuff controlling you. For a list of Professional Organizers in your area, click here.

The freedom that comes from having a clutter-free home can be truly liberating. 

Photo by Kateryna T on Unsplash

Malinda Moseley